I so love that movie .... "Small moves Sparks, small moves." Jodie Foster on the sands of New Mexico trying to figure out God and the universe. Yeah... I cry too :)
Episcopalian-flavored Christian with Anglo-Catholic proclivities and a yearning for social justice.
"When Anglicanism is at its best, its liturgy, its poetry, its music and its life can create a world of wonder in which it is very easy to fall in love with God." -Urban T. Holmes III
O Mary Magdalene, Paschal messenger and Apostle to the Apostles; Thy weeping in the garden hath been turned to joy, and thy myrrh hath become a holy chrism: Pray for us, that we also might encounter and trust in the Risen Christ, who maketh the tomb a bridal chamber for his Church, and hast taken away the sins of the world. Amen.
I so love that movie .... "Small moves Sparks, small moves." Jodie Foster on the sands of New Mexico trying to figure out God and the universe. Yeah... I cry too :)
Pick me too.
LOL - no, you're not alone. ;)
You're not alone. "They should have sent a poet!"
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