"As Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that all who trust in him may know eternal life."
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
I've had this quote on my MySpace (yes, I have one of those awful things, and yes, they are stupid) for a long time, dunno why I've never shared it. This is one of my favorite quotes, and it's from - of all places - "Kingdom of Heaven."
Episcopalian-flavored Christian with Anglo-Catholic proclivities and a yearning for social justice.
"When Anglicanism is at its best, its liturgy, its poetry, its music and its life can create a world of wonder in which it is very easy to fall in love with God." -Urban T. Holmes III
O Mary Magdalene, Paschal messenger and Apostle to the Apostles; Thy weeping in the garden hath been turned to joy, and thy myrrh hath become a holy chrism: Pray for us, that we also might encounter and trust in the Risen Christ, who maketh the tomb a bridal chamber for his Church, and hast taken away the sins of the world. Amen.
I really liked Kingdom of Heaven, as it turns out. I thought it was about the actual Kingdom of Heaven, the one Jesus talks about. Good quote!
An absolutely splendid quote, from one of my very favorite films. Thanks from across the pond.
Oh, dear! I goofed. Sorry. We're both from the USA, aren't we? It was still a good quote.
Both from Arizona, nonetheless!
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