Saturday, July 28, 2007

Thought for the day

If everyone believed absolutely 100% of what their church/denomination taught - there would be about 6 billion world religions.

"In prayer, come empty. Do nothing."
-St.John of the Cross


Joshua Migallos Ligan said...

Good point. So then, which religion(i.e. 'person') is the true one? Ericism or Joshism? Kidding!

Eric said...

Ericism, of course....Die, heretic!

+JN1034 said...

At the Fourth Ecumenical Council, though rarely cited by historians (but we Orthodox have passed this down orally), the Byzantine Emperor stood before the raging factions and in a loud voice declared: "Now now, boys! No schism games! Let's just all shake hands and play nice. Make up, and share a nice large, warm chalice of shut the fanatic up!" Okay, it loses something in the translation.

tamie marie said...

I love love love the St. John of the Cross quote. Love.

Eric said...

I'd be lying if I said I didn't think of you when I read it! :)